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Charge on over to the upcoming projects page for exciting awesomeness!

Well, it sounds like Grumboon, Liontown, and select skits from the Matt Sinopole Show will be showing at Frederick's Music Lounge on May 10th. Apparently, this is going to be a monthly event - St. Louis Movie Lounge - which will happen the 2nd Monday of every month. They're going to screen four hours of locally produced videos & films from 5:00PM until 9:00PM and then repeating it from 9:00PM until midnight. It's 21+ only, no cover, drink specials until 9:00PM and free popcorn all night! They are located at 4454 Chippewa, just east of Kingshighway - it's an exciting idea and I hope you all will come out and check us out and all the other local films & videos every month!!

We should have copies of both The Matt Sinopole Show DVD-R and The Egg DVD-R so if you still don't got one, they'll be there for $10 each.

The Matt Sinopole Show DVD-R is now available for purchase also at the Brentwood Borders, at 1519 S. Brentwood Blvd, and at the University City Vintage Vinyl, at 6610 Delmar, in the Loop. So no excuses, pick it up, pop it in the microwave, watch it explode, awesome.

And I've been filling in the holes of the website, if you'll notice, I have posted all new photos on the Liontown and Grumboon pages - still working on our "personnel" pages, but I'm working it.

The new script is coming along, I am hoping to finish a draft by the end of May and then start putting a cast and crew together so we can get a trailer shot by this autumn. You better believe it's the new crack, you will get physically addicted to this film.

Nothing much new, just working on fixing up the message board - it's coming along, the end of April will see this site pretty much out of the "work-in-progress" mode and more in the "tiger-hearted website of the industry" mode.

But I have put a few updates on the upcoming projects page that you should make sure to check out!!

Well, I'd have to say that the Matt Sinopole Show DVD release party was the number one party this weekend for sure! Conquistadors and centurions filled the Way Out Club to the breaking point. Thanks to everyone who came out and everyone who helped to put the show together.

If you were unable to attend, don't fret, we still have plenty of DVDs available, click on a picture below to find out how you can purchase it.


It's been a year since we first started posting our own website, and we thought we bring it fresh for 2004 (if you want to check out something you missed, hit up the archive page). donkeynorris did a job worthy of goblets and kingdoms so a hefty, proud thanks goes out to that eternal pizza nemesis.

We are, obviously, still working on the site, it's gonna be graphic intense when we're done, right now, it sort of a pile of words, but this will be rectified pronto.

Why haven't we smoothed out the site design yet? Well, we have been working double time producing a new DVD-R for the Matt Sinopole Show!

I'm sure you know we have stopped making new episodes, but we wanted to put together all the skits and musical acts onto one disc for people to pick up and show off and eventually sell on Ebay when we're totally famous.

In addition, this release will feature two bonus skits never put on any episode, plus the thirty second commercial we made for the show, plus every Ninjo segment placed in order so the viewer can understand the flow a little better, plus an open mic appearance Matt made at the Funny Bone.

We are having a release party on April 3rd at the Way Out Club - 8:00PM doors, 9:00PM show, $5 cover charge - featuring the bands that performed on the show - The Ottomen, The Whole Sick Crew, and Skarekrau Radio!!

Check out the Matt Sinopole Show page to find out more!

There are also a couple of potential screenings to let you know about, I'll let you know when exactly those are going on.

Finally, the upcoming projects page has been massively updated - I'll try and do better with that page than I have in the past.

© Rock N Roll Bacteria Productions 2009
Website designed by donkeynorris industries
Website hosted by Dream Host